Const PI = 3.14159
Const MaxPolys = 250
Dim NumPolys As Integer
Dim TLast As Single
Dim I As Integer
Dim FPS As Single
Dim rad As Single
Dim rd As Single
Dim Speed As Single
Dim Blickweite As Integer
Dim P(MaxPolys) As MATRIX
Dim PReal(MaxPolys) As MATRIX
Private Sub Form_Load()
NumPolys = 40
For n = 0 To NumPolys
rd = rd + PI * 2 / (NumPolys)
P(n).P3D(0, 0) = 0
P(n).P3D(0, 1) = 0
P(n).P3D(0, 2) = 0
P(n).P3D(1, 0) = Sin(rd) * 180
P(n).P3D(1, 1) = Cos(rd) * 180
P(n).P3D(1, 2) = 0
P(n).P3D(2, 0) = Sin(rd + PI * 2 / (NumPolys)) * 180
P(n).P3D(2, 1) = Cos(rd + PI * 2 / (NumPolys)) * 180
P(n).P3D(2, 2) = 0
Next n
Form1.Top = 0
Blickweite = 500
Speed = 0.01
End Sub
Sub Draw()
If Check1.Value = 1 Then Picture1.Cls
rad = rad + Speed
Label1.Caption = "Speed: " & Speed
Label2.Caption = "Polygone: " & NumPolys
If I = 100 Then
If TLast <> 0 Then FPS = 100 / (Timer - TLast)
TLast = Timer
I = 0
End If
I = I + 1
Label3.Caption = "FPS: " & FPS
For n = 0 To NumPolys
For m = 0 To 2
PReal(n).P3D(m, 0) = P(n).P3D(m, 0)
PReal(n).P3D(m, 1) = P(n).P3D(m, 1)
PReal(n).P3D(m, 2) = P(n).P3D(m, 2)
If Option1.Value Then
PReal(n).P3D(m, 1) = P(n).P3D(m, 2) * Sin(rad) + _
P(n).P3D(m, 1) * Cos(rad)
PReal(n).P3D(m, 2) = P(n).P3D(m, 2) * Cos(rad) - _
P(n).P3D(m, 1) * Sin(rad)
End If
If Option2.Value Then
PReal(n).P3D(m, 0) = P(n).P3D(m, 2) * Sin(rad) + _
P(n).P3D(m, 0) * Cos(rad)
PReal(n).P3D(m, 2) = P(n).P3D(m, 2) * Cos(rad) - _
P(n).P3D(m, 0) * Sin(rad)
End If
If Option3.Value Then
PReal(n).P3D(m, 0) = P(n).P3D(m, 0) * Cos(rad) - _
P(n).P3D(m, 1) * Sin(rad)
PReal(n).P3D(m, 1) = P(n).P3D(m, 0) * Sin(rad) + _
P(n).P3D(m, 1) * Cos(rad)
End If
Next m
Next n
For n = 0 To NumPolys
For m = 0 To 2
P(n).P2D(m, 0) = PReal(n).P3D(m, 0) * Blickweite / _
(PReal(n).P3D(m, 2) + Blickweite) + Picture1.Width / 2
P(n).P2D(m, 1) = PReal(n).P3D(m, 1) * Blickweite / _
(PReal(n).P3D(m, 2) + Blickweite) + Picture1.Height / 2
If Check2.Value = 1 Then
Picture1.PSet (P(n).P2D(m, 0), P(n).P2D(m, 1))
Picture1.ForeColor = RGB(100 * m, 100 * m, 255 - 100 * m)
Picture1.Print n & " / " & m
Picture1.ForeColor = RGB(0, 0, 0)
End If
Next m
Next n
For n = 0 To NumPolys
If n = 3 Then
Picture1.ForeColor = RGB(255, 255, 255)
Picture1.ForeColor = RGB(0, 0, 0)
End If
Picture1.Line (P(n).P2D(0, 0), P(n).P2D(0, 1))- _
(P(n).P2D(1, 0), P(n).P2D(1, 1))
Picture1.Line (P(n).P2D(1, 0), P(n).P2D(1, 1))- _
(P(n).P2D(2, 0), P(n).P2D(2, 1))
Picture1.Line (P(n).P2D(2, 0), P(n).P2D(2, 1))- _
(P(n).P2D(0, 0), P(n).P2D(0, 1))
Next n
Picture1.ForeColor = RGB(0, 0, 0)
For n = 0 To 10
Picture1.PSet (Picture1.Width / 2, n * 100)
Picture1.Print (n * 100)
Picture1.Line (Picture1.Width / 2, 0)-(Picture1.Width / 2, _
Picture1.PSet (n * 100, Picture1.Height / 2)
Picture1.Print (n * 100)
Picture1.Line (0, Picture1.Height / 2)-(Picture1.Width, _
Picture1.Height / 2)
End Sub
Private Sub HScroll1_Change()
Speed = HScroll1.Value / 10000
End Sub
Private Sub HScroll1_Scroll()
Speed = HScroll1.Value / 10000
End Sub
Private Sub HScroll2_Change()
NumPolys = HScroll2.Value
For n = 0 To NumPolys
rd = rd + PI * 2 / (NumPolys)
P(n).P3D(0, 0) = 0
P(n).P3D(0, 1) = 0
P(n).P3D(0, 2) = 0
P(n).P3D(1, 0) = Sin(rd) * 180
P(n).P3D(1, 1) = Cos(rd) * 180
P(n).P3D(1, 2) = 0
P(n).P3D(2, 0) = Sin(rd + PI * 2 / (NumPolys)) * 180
P(n).P3D(2, 1) = Cos(rd + PI * 2 / (NumPolys)) * 180
P(n).P3D(2, 2) = 0
Next n
End Sub
Private Sub HScroll2_Scroll()
NumPolys = HScroll2.Value
For n = 0 To NumPolys
rd = rd + PI * 2 / (NumPolys)
P(n).P3D(0, 0) = 0
P(n).P3D(0, 1) = 0
P(n).P3D(0, 2) = 0
P(n).P3D(1, 0) = Sin(rd) * 180
P(n).P3D(1, 1) = Cos(rd) * 180
P(n).P3D(1, 2) = 0
P(n).P3D(2, 0) = Sin(rd + PI * 2 / (NumPolys)) * 180
P(n).P3D(2, 1) = Cos(rd + PI * 2 / (NumPolys)) * 180
P(n).P3D(2, 2) = 0
Next n
End Sub
Private Sub HScroll3_Change()
Label4.Caption = "Sichtwinkel: " & HScroll3.Value & "°"
Blickweite = 500 * (130 / Int(HScroll3.Value))
Form1.Caption = Blickweite
End Sub
Private Sub HScroll3_Scroll()
Label4.Caption = "Sichtwinkel: " & HScroll3.Value & "°"
Blickweite = 500 * (130 / Int(HScroll3.Value))
End Sub
Private Sub Option1_Click()
For n = 0 To NumPolys
P(n).P3D(0, 0) = PReal(n).P3D(0, 0)
P(n).P3D(0, 1) = PReal(n).P3D(0, 1)
P(n).P3D(0, 2) = PReal(n).P3D(0, 2)
P(n).P3D(1, 0) = PReal(n).P3D(1, 0)
P(n).P3D(1, 1) = PReal(n).P3D(1, 1)
P(n).P3D(1, 2) = PReal(n).P3D(1, 2)
P(n).P3D(2, 0) = PReal(n).P3D(2, 0)
P(n).P3D(2, 1) = PReal(n).P3D(2, 1)
P(n).P3D(2, 2) = PReal(n).P3D(2, 2)
Next n
rad = 0
End Sub
Private Sub Option2_Click()
For n = 0 To NumPolys
P(n).P3D(0, 0) = PReal(n).P3D(0, 0)
P(n).P3D(0, 1) = PReal(n).P3D(0, 1)
P(n).P3D(0, 2) = PReal(n).P3D(0, 2)
P(n).P3D(1, 0) = PReal(n).P3D(1, 0)
P(n).P3D(1, 1) = PReal(n).P3D(1, 1)
P(n).P3D(1, 2) = PReal(n).P3D(1, 2)
P(n).P3D(2, 0) = PReal(n).P3D(2, 0)
P(n).P3D(2, 1) = PReal(n).P3D(2, 1)
P(n).P3D(2, 2) = PReal(n).P3D(2, 2)
Next n
rad = 0
End Sub
Private Sub Option3_Click()
For n = 0 To NumPolys
P(n).P3D(0, 0) = PReal(n).P3D(0, 0)
P(n).P3D(0, 1) = PReal(n).P3D(0, 1)
P(n).P3D(0, 2) = PReal(n).P3D(0, 2)
P(n).P3D(1, 0) = PReal(n).P3D(1, 0)
P(n).P3D(1, 1) = PReal(n).P3D(1, 1)
P(n).P3D(1, 2) = PReal(n).P3D(1, 2)
P(n).P3D(2, 0) = PReal(n).P3D(2, 0)
P(n).P3D(2, 1) = PReal(n).P3D(2, 1)
P(n).P3D(2, 2) = PReal(n).P3D(2, 2)
Next n
rad = 0
End Sub